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Grow with us

Partnership with Datawyse AI Ltd

Through our key partnership with Datawyse AI Ltd, we have the ability to implement new reports in seconds instead of days, massively streamlining costs on larger projects. Moreover, we can create fully customised packages to a client’s requirements in as little as thirty to sixty days from instruction.

Generating accurate and insightful solutions rapidly and thoroughly, with unprecedented results.

Film, media, and game development

Combine our database of real-world precision textured models with VFX resources to enable procedural generation of buildings for game development. Use our proprietary software to reduce costs on virtual set creation.

Agricultural surveys

Collate multi-spectral data on crop health, waterlogging and diurnal temperature variations over large areas to allow targeted and highly efficient use of crop treatments and yield predictions.

Ecological surveys

Use Machine learning to identify, track and monitor wildlife populations in a safe and non-invasive manner. Track changes in flora and fauna live with incredible depth and live reporting

Coastal erosion

Build a millimetre accurate picture - over miles of coastline - of rates and mechanisms of erosion to rapidly react to changing climatic conditions.

Flooding surveys

Use data as diverse as diurnal temperature variations and topographic models to build understanding of waterlogging and soil capacity weeks or even months before infrastructure is affected. A recent instance of this issue in Cambridgeshire, prompted by the unusually wet winter, choked a major arterial road for weeks until millions of pounds of equipment could be deployed to remedy the situation.

Property surveys

Imagine the ability to compile (for example) detailed thermal loss reports on hundreds of properties in a single flight! Our ability to collate multi-spectral video and photography into fantastically accurate, geo-located data has applications for councils and similar organisations to target insulation or other repairs and improvements in the exact places they are most needed.

Learn more about us via youtube